Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are delighted to extend our invitation to the 18th Congress of the KHS and 2nd International Symposium 2024, scheduled to be held in Seoul, Korea on July 5-6, 2024.

Since its inception with the 1st academic conference in 2006, the Korean Hernia Society has been committed to advancing the treatment and education of hernia care in Korea, as well as fostering international academic networking with global organizations such as APHS and EPHS.

This 2nd international symposium, following the successful event in 2022, will cover a range of interesting topics from basic educational topics to the latest advancements such as robotic surgery and AI. We anticipate fruitful discussions on debatable issues and challenging cases, from which beginners and experts alike to learn and discuss together.

With valuable lectures from invited experts from APHS and abroad, we look forward to fostering international academic communication and friendship.

We encourage many of you to showcase your research and new techniques through oral and video presentation sessions and challenge yourselves to enjoy the benefits of the traveler's grant and many prizes.

Please take advantage of this opportunity also to enjoy the sights and sounds of Seoul, located in the vibrant Gangnam district.

As we welcome the hosting of the 18th Congress of the KHS and 2nd International Symposium 2024, we extend our sincere gratitude for your interest and support.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

President of KHS
Sung Heun Kim  M.D., Ph.D

Chairman, Organizing committee
Seong-Ho Kong  M.D., Ph.D

Scientific committee
Jun Beom Park  M.D., Ph.D